What I believe in

Promote natural products and the excellence of the territory

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My philosophy

From love for the land and for agriculture, to the promotion of simple and genuine products.

At first managing 700 olive trees, a vegetable garden and a few chickens might seem like a complicated undertaking, but over time I discovered that it was a real passion. This experience brought me back to my roots and made me rediscover the beauty of agriculture and working the land. Today, this passion has grown. transformed into a real business; in the field, where I put my knowledge and dedication into practice to produce simple and genuine ingredients, enhancing the richness of the territory and promoting sustainable cultivation practices.

The love for the earth

and for quality products

Working with the land and producing quality food has become a way of life for me, which allows me to appreciate the beauty of nature and to share my passion for agriculture with others. I am happy to be able to offer my guests healthy and genuine products that respect the environment and keep the tradition of my beloved Val d'Orcia alive.

The beauty

of sharing

Through my YouTube channel and the experiences I create for you, I want to spread my philosophy and beliefs. I am convinced that true beauty lies in sharing moments and special moments, accompanied by a glass of good wine and the fruits of our land. With my business, I try to make as many people as possible aware of the beauty and goodness of the simple and genuine products of my beloved Val d'Orcia. Extra virgin olive oil, with its unmistakable scents and scents, is for me a symbol of the culinary culture of my land and an opportunity to introduce my guests to local traditions.

More information?

We are at your disposal for any clarification or support, you can call us by phone or contact us via whatsapp by clicking the buttons

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